Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Lesson 1

This will be an easy one!
Just 3 things to work on this week.

1. Practice saying the alphabet A - G frontwards AND backwards. You need to know it equally well in both directions.

"A-B-C-D-E-F-G .....G-F-E-D-C-B-A"

2. When listening to music, try to feel a steady beat count -- it would be the rhythm that you might tap your foot to. It will usually be either a "1-2-3-4" beat or a "1-2-3" beat. The 3-count beat is used for a waltz type song, the other is for everything else. You want your counting to be just like a clock ticking, even and steady.

3. If you have a piano or keyboard at home, look at the keys. The black keys are divided into groups of 2's and 3's. Practice finding the different groups. This might seem elementary, but it is a good exercise to train your eyes to find certain keys. The black keys are going to be our clues and shortcuts to finding the notes that we want. Take note of the fact that the WHITE key directly in between a two-group of black keys is the letter D. That is the first note we will learn. Try to find all of the D's on your piano. Be sure to use only the 2 group black keys for this!

I'm still working on figuring a way to show you pics and illustrations of these things. By next week I'll figure that out!

Have fun!

1 comment:

Mrs. Julie Fink said...

I haven't had the time to actually touch the "d" keys yet, but every time I pass by a piano I think about the location of them.