I am a day behind -- Sorry!
Try this!
Find the D like I showed you last week. Put your 2nd finger of your right hand (the pointer finger, or as my students affectionately call it, the "booger-picker") on the D closest to the middle of your piano. Next, rest your right thumb on the C that is just to the left of that D. Your thumb will be more on its side as your other fingers will be curved and upright.
Then, lay out the remaining 3 fingers on the corresponding keys, E, F, G with fingers 3, 4, and 5 respectively. This is called a 5-finger position.
Practice playing each note individually, C-D-E-F-G, then back down, G-F-E-D-C. We are training the fingers to work independently.
You can do the same with the left hand, starting with your pinkie (finger #5) on the next C down, and laying finger #4 on D, 3 on E, 2 on F and your left thumb on G. Practice the same 5-finger position exercise until you can move the fingers smoothly up and down.
Then try it hands together at the same time!
Have fun!
Next week we will learn to play The B-I-B-L-E.